The First Winter Youth Olympic Games held in Innsbruck on January 13-22 are declared closed. RIA Novosti presents the best photos from the Games.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Vilf / Go to the mediabankNorwegian freestyle skier Sjåstad Christiansen competes in the half-pipe at the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games.

Norwegian freestyle skier Sjåstad Christiansen competes in the half-pipe at the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Vilf / Go to the mediabankRussian ice dancers Anna Yanovskaya and Sergei Mozgov perform in the Mixed-NOC Team event.

Russian ice dancers Anna Yanovskaya and Sergei Mozgov perform in the Mixed-NOC Team event.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Sergeev / Go to the mediabankJapan’s Hikaru Ohe, gold medalist, during the women's half-pipe.

Japan’s Hikaru Ohe, gold medalist, during the women's half-pipe.
© RIA Novosti . Konstantin Chalabov / Go to the mediabankA speed skater competes in the 3000-meter relay race.

A speed skater competes in the 3000-meter relay race.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Sergeev / Go to the mediabankThe men’s skeleton competitions at the First Winter Youth Olympic Games.

The men’s skeleton competitions at the First Winter Youth Olympic Games.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Vilf / Go to the mediabankNorway’s Silje Theodorsen won the gold medal in freestyle cross-country skiing.

Norway’s Silje Theodorsen won the gold medal in freestyle cross-country skiing.
© RIA Novosti . Александр Вильф / Go to the mediabankChinese speed skater Fan Yang during a mass start.

Chinese speed skater Fan Yang during a mass start.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Mokrushin / Go to the mediabankA mass start race held as part of the men’s speed skating competition.

A mass start race held as part of the men’s speed skating competition.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Mokrushin / Go to the mediabankU.S. Codie Bascue and Jake Peterson in two-man bobsleigh heat during the First Winter Youth Olympic Games.

U.S. Codie Bascue and Jake Peterson in two-man bobsleigh heat during the First Winter Youth Olympic Games.
© RIA Novosti . Konstantin Chalabov / Go to the mediabankRussia’s ice hockey team won the silver medal at the First Winter Youth Olympic Games.

Russia’s ice hockey team won the silver medal at the First Winter Youth Olympic Games.
© RIA Novosti . Konstantin Chalabov / Go to the mediabankThe Russian team fell to Finland 1-2 in the gold medal game.

The Russian team fell to Finland 1-2 in the gold medal game.