About 10,000 rallied at the Manezh Square by the Kremlin walls to hail Putin’s victory at the presidential polls on Monday evening.
© RIA Novosti . Alexander Kozhokhin / Go to the mediabankAbout 10,000 rallied at the Manezh Square by the Kremlin walls to hail Putin’s victory at the presidential polls on Monday evening.

About 10,000 rallied at the Manezh Square by the Kremlin walls to hail Putin’s victory at the presidential polls on Monday evening.
© RIA Novosti . Sergey Kuznetsov / Go to the mediabankSpeakers at the pro-Putin event, which was followed by a concert, included sports and showbiz celebrities, who congratulated Putin with his victory while denouncing the opposition’s claims that campaigning was unfair and the vote was rigged.

Speakers at the pro-Putin event, which was followed by a concert, included sports and showbiz celebrities, who congratulated Putin with his victory while denouncing the opposition’s claims that campaigning was unfair and the vote was rigged.
© RIA Novosti . Sergey Kuznetsov / Go to the mediabankState Duma deputies, boxer Nikolai Valuyev and figure-skater Irina Rodnina, and first deputy State Duma speaker Alexander Zhukov addressed the rally.

State Duma deputies, boxer Nikolai Valuyev and figure-skater Irina Rodnina, and first deputy State Duma speaker Alexander Zhukov addressed the rally.
© RIA Novosti . Sergey Kuznetsov / Go to the mediabankPolice reported no incidents during the rally.

Police reported no incidents during the rally.

Putin supporters at the Manezh Square.

Putin supporters at the Manezh Square.
© RIA Novosti . Sergey Kuznetsov / Go to the mediabankRallies in support of Putin took place in cities across the country, the biggest of them in Lipetsk in central Russia, where some 9,000 gathered.

Rallies in support of Putin took place in cities across the country, the biggest of them in Lipetsk in central Russia, where some 9,000 gathered.