Police of the North Caucasus Republic of Dagestan found a bunker which hid nine bombs, seven of which with a total capacity of 105 kilograms of TNT, a spokesperson of National Anti-Terrorist Committee said on Sunday.
“Employees of law enforcement agency on Sunday during the inspection of the forest and the check up of operational information found a shelter in Dagestan's eastern Sergokalinsky district. There were seven homemade explosive devices with a capacity of 105 kilograms of TNT, two pressure-fused bombs, two Shmel flamethrowers, a large amount of ammunition and other weapons,” the spokesperson said.
Police also found components for making explosives, medicine and syringes.
According to National Anti-Terrorist Committee, the militants planned to use explosives to commit terrorist acts in Sergokalinsky and near-by regions of Dagestan.
“Special services were able to get information about the possible location of the shelter and were able to destroy it,” said in the committee.
More than a decade after the end of a federal war against separatists in Chechnya, Russian security forces continue to fight militants in the region. Terrorist attacks and shootouts with police are common in Dagestan and neighboring Chechnya and Ingushetia.