In a show of misplaced industriousness, a high school student was busted during a graduation test in eastern Kazakhstan with an 11-meter-long cheat sheet on his person, local media reported on Thursday.
The monumental work contained some 25,000 answers to all five test subjects, typed on a computer and printed out on small sheets of paper glued together, said.
The student, whose name was withheld, managed to smuggle the cheat sheet inside the classroom despite being searched on entry but was busted before he had the chance to use it, the report said.
The crib sheet impressed local education official Bolatzhan Uskenbayev, who praised the student for the hard work that went into the cheat sheet and expressed regret that it would not qualify him for good test grades, the report said.
Graduation exams in Kazakhstan include testing in mathematics, history, Russian and Kazakh languages, and one more subject to be chosen by the student. Graduates are accepted into colleges based on their exam results.