Putin Says Germany Involved in EU ‘Cartel’

© RIA Novosti . Sergei Guneev / Go to the mediabankAngela Merkel and Vladimir Putin
Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin  - Sputnik International
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday blamed Germany for involvement in a European Union “cartel” after Chancellor Angela Merkel said her country always coordinates its position with the remaining 26 EU member states.

MOSCOW, November 16 (RIA Novosti) – Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday blamed Germany for involvement in a European Union “cartel” after Chancellor Angela Merkel said her country always coordinates its position with the remaining 26 EU member states.

Merkel said at a meeting with participants of a Russian-German forum: “I urge you to avoid viewing any criticism as destructive. Open a German newspaper and read what they write there. If I always got offended, I would not have lasted three days in my post.”

“The Russian president always knows when Europeans do not have a common opinion, but if a common opinion has been formed, we express it,” Merkel said.

But Putin said: “Note what the federal chancellor said. She said they first consult with 26 countries and then state their common position. In economics, it is called cartel… They should have a position of their own.”

Putin also said Russia does not question the viability of the European Union and the euro.

“We do not question the viability of the EU and the European currency. Otherwise, we would not hold 40 percent of our gold and foreign currency reserves, which are the world’s third largest, in euros,” he told journalists after the talks. “We are convinced difficulties will be overcome.”

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