Islamic relics of the Prophet Muhammad were delivered from the United Arab Emirates to Grozny.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankIslamic relics of the Prophet Muhammad were delivered from the United Arab Emirates to Grozny.

Islamic relics of the Prophet Muhammad were delivered from the United Arab Emirates to Grozny.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankThe relics include a fragment of the Prophet’s mantle, a lock of hair and a 50 cm braid.

The relics include a fragment of the Prophet’s mantle, a lock of hair and a 50 cm braid.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankThe Islamic relics will be displayed for one year.

The Islamic relics will be displayed for one year.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankThe relics will be on display for all to see. Other sacred relics related to the life of Prophet Muhammad will later be brought to Grozny every year. Photo: Owner of the collection of Prophet Muhammad’s relics Ahmad bin Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hazrati, left, and Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov before entering the Akhmat Kadyrov Central Mosque in Grozny.

The relics will be on display for all to see. Other sacred relics related to the life of Prophet Muhammad will later be brought to Grozny every year. Photo: Owner of the collection of Prophet Muhammad’s relics Ahmad bin Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hazrati, left, and Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov before entering the Akhmat Kadyrov Central Mosque in Grozny.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankThe relics arrived on January 23, the Prophet’s birthday.

The relics arrived on January 23, the Prophet’s birthday.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankPublic religious events and sacrifices were conducted all over Chechnya on the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.

Public religious events and sacrifices were conducted all over Chechnya on the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankThe relics have already been delivered to Grozny. In September 2011, the Prophet’s sacred bowl and two carpets that covered Muhammad’s tomb for a long time were brought from London.

The relics have already been delivered to Grozny. In September 2011, the Prophet’s sacred bowl and two carpets that covered Muhammad’s tomb for a long time were brought from London.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankAnother Islamic relic, the Prophet’s hair, was delivered to Chechnya from Uzbekistan in late January 2012. Later, on February 3, three more hairs were brought to Grozny, which the Chechen Government said were a gift from Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. On July 11, 2012 relics related to the lives of the Prophet’s relatives were also delivered. They were displayed at the Central Mosque, the Heart of Chechnya, for four days. The Prophet’s hair from his head and beard, clothings, goblet, and other items were brought to Grozny.

Another Islamic relic, the Prophet’s hair, was delivered to Chechnya from Uzbekistan in late January 2012. Later, on February 3, three more hairs were brought to Grozny, which the Chechen Government said were a gift from Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. On July 11, 2012 relics related to the lives of the Prophet’s relatives were also delivered. They were displayed at the Central Mosque, the Heart of Chechnya, for four days. The Prophet’s hair from his head and beard, clothings, goblet, and other items were brought to Grozny.