The show, which includes both new and famous acts, was timed to coincide with Russia’s Day of Fatherland Defender.
© RIA Novosti . Grigoriy Sisoev / Go to the mediabankThe show, which includes both new and famous acts, was timed to coincide with Russia’s Day of Fatherland Defender.

The show, which includes both new and famous acts, was timed to coincide with Russia’s Day of Fatherland Defender.
© RIA Novosti . Grigoriy Sisoev / Go to the mediabankThe Crazy Horse cabaret show includes more than a dozen dance acts, while special attention is paid to lighting and special effects, as well as elements of humor and the grotesque.

The Crazy Horse cabaret show includes more than a dozen dance acts, while special attention is paid to lighting and special effects, as well as elements of humor and the grotesque.
© RIA Novosti . Grigoriy Sisoev / Go to the mediabankLe Crazy Horse Saloon, which opened in 1951, is a French national treasure and a symbol of Paris, on par with the Eifel Tower and the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

Le Crazy Horse Saloon, which opened in 1951, is a French national treasure and a symbol of Paris, on par with the Eifel Tower and the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.
© RIA Novosti . Grigoriy Sisoev / Go to the mediabankThis year the company hired new professional dancers. Each has a unique image and a stage name. Russians will be among the first audiences to watch the new dancers in action.

This year the company hired new professional dancers. Each has a unique image and a stage name. Russians will be among the first audiences to watch the new dancers in action.
© RIA Novosti . Grigoriy Sisoev / Go to the mediabankThere are strict requirements for the dancers’ body types: they must be 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 7 inches tall and have long legs. Each must also have professional training.

There are strict requirements for the dancers’ body types: they must be 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 7 inches tall and have long legs. Each must also have professional training.
© RIA Novosti . Grigoriy SisoevThe Crazy Horse Paris 3D film, directed by Christian Louboutin, premiered in Moscow ahead of the show. Famous shoe designer Christian Louboutin shot the film at Le Crazy Horse de Paris club. Cabaret dancers, featured in the film, will present it to the Moscow audience.

© RIA Novosti . Grigoriy Sisoev
The Crazy Horse Paris 3D film, directed by Christian Louboutin, premiered in Moscow ahead of the show. Famous shoe designer Christian Louboutin shot the film at Le Crazy Horse de Paris club. Cabaret dancers, featured in the film, will present it to the Moscow audience.
© RIA Novosti . Konstantin Rodikov / Go to the mediabankThe show will run at the Yauza Palace from February 21 to 26.

The show will run at the Yauza Palace from February 21 to 26.