Profits of Russian flower shops soar ahead of International Women’s Day, widely celebrated on March 8 in Russia and in some former Soviet republics.
© RIA Novosti . Aleksei Malgavko / Go to the mediabankProfits of Russian flower shops soar ahead of International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8.

Profits of Russian flower shops soar ahead of International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8.
© RIA Novosti . Aleksei Malgavko / Go to the mediabankFor example, in Omsk (western Siberia) one rose costs $3-$4 on average.

For example, in Omsk (western Siberia) one rose costs $3-$4 on average.
© RIA Novosti . Said Carnaev / Go to the mediabankThe holiday is widely celebrated only in Russia and in some former Soviet republics.

The holiday is widely celebrated only in Russia and in some former Soviet republics.
© RIA Novosti . Aleksei Malgavko / Go to the mediabankMarch 8 became a public holiday after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev declared March 8 a day off work in 1966.

March 8 became a public holiday after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev declared March 8 a day off work in 1966.
© RIA Novosti . Evgeniy Biyatov / Go to the mediabankAlthough some call March 8 a communist anachronism, it remains one of the most popular holidays in Russia, having turned into a mixture of St. Valentine's and Mother's Day.

Although some call March 8 a communist anachronism, it remains one of the most popular holidays in Russia, having turned into a mixture of St. Valentine's and Mother's Day.
© RIA Novosti . Said Carnaev / Go to the mediabankOn March 8, which is often referred to as the holiday of spring, love and beauty, women of all ages receive flowers, candy, perfumes, jewelry and other gifts from their husbands, children, male colleagues, fellow students and classmates.

On March 8, which is often referred to as the holiday of spring, love and beauty, women of all ages receive flowers, candy, perfumes, jewelry and other gifts from their husbands, children, male colleagues, fellow students and classmates.
© RIA Novosti . Aleksei Malgavko / Go to the mediabankEven traffic policemen go easy on female drivers on this holiday, pardon minor traffic violations and even give them flowers.

Even traffic policemen go easy on female drivers on this holiday, pardon minor traffic violations and even give them flowers.
© RIA Novosti . Pavel Lisicin / Go to the mediabankYellow mimosas are among the most common March 8 gifts in Russia.

Yellow mimosas are among the most common March 8 gifts in Russia.