On March 24, a storm hit the Black Sea coast near Sochi, the venue of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail MokrushinOn March 24, a storm hit the Black Sea coast near Sochi, the venue of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Mokrushin
On March 24, a storm hit the Black Sea coast near Sochi, the venue of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail MokrushinWaves were high off the Black Sea coast between the villages of Magri and Vesyoloye near Sochi.

© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Mokrushin
Waves were high off the Black Sea coast between the villages of Magri and Vesyoloye near Sochi.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail MokrushinOn Sunday morning, March 24, a barge was cast ashore by the storm near the village of Kudepsta.

© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Mokrushin
On Sunday morning, March 24, a barge was cast ashore by the storm near the village of Kudepsta.

The storm also damaged the city’s seafront.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Mokrushin / Go to the mediabankA girl flees as a wave crashes on the embankment in Sochi.

A girl flees as a wave crashes on the embankment in Sochi.

The storm pounds the coast of Sochi.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Mokrushin / Go to the mediabankOnlookers observe the effects of the storm in Sochi.

Onlookers observe the effects of the storm in Sochi.