Che Guevara, the famous revolutionary, was born 85 years ago today. He is often described as “the linchpin of the resurgence movement in the countries of Latin America,” and is credited with forming the notion of a “new man.”
© Embassy of the Republic of Cuba to RussiaChe Guevara, the famous revolutionary, was born 85 years ago today. He is often described as “the linchpin of the resurgence movement in the countries of Latin America,” and is credited with forming the notion of a “new man.”

© Embassy of the Republic of Cuba to Russia
Che Guevara, the famous revolutionary, was born 85 years ago today. He is often described as “the linchpin of the resurgence movement in the countries of Latin America,” and is credited with forming the notion of a “new man.”
© Museo Che GuevaraChe Guevara inherited from his mother not only royal blood, but also a hereditary illness – he suffered from asthma throughout his life. After the first attack at the age of two, doctors advised his mother to take the child to the mountains, where Guevara then spent his childhood. However, his asthma never left him.

© Museo Che Guevara
Che Guevara inherited from his mother not only royal blood, but also a hereditary illness – he suffered from asthma throughout his life. After the first attack at the age of two, doctors advised his mother to take the child to the mountains, where Guevara then spent his childhood. However, his asthma never left him.
© Embassy of the Republic of Cuba to RussiaEl Comandante Che won a number of resounding victories over the government forces in Cuba. The most significant of them took place in the Battle of Santa Clara, a major strategic point near Havana. The battle, which started on December 28, 1958, ended with the city’s capture, which ensured the overall victory of the Cuban Revolution.

© Embassy of the Republic of Cuba to Russia
El Comandante Che won a number of resounding victories over the government forces in Cuba. The most significant of them took place in the Battle of Santa Clara, a major strategic point near Havana. The battle, which started on December 28, 1958, ended with the city’s capture, which ensured the overall victory of the Cuban Revolution.
© Embassy of the Republic of Cuba to RussiaIn 1967, Che Guevara and his troops went to Bolivia to set up a guerrilla movement there. But on October 8 he was wounded and taken captive by CIA-trained Bolivian special armed forces. The day after his interrogation, Guevara was shot in the small village of La Higuera. His grave near an airstrip was not discovered until June 1997. Che Guevara’s remains were reburied in the mausoleum in the Cuban city of Santa Clara.

© Embassy of the Republic of Cuba to Russia
In 1967, Che Guevara and his troops went to Bolivia to set up a guerrilla movement there. But on October 8 he was wounded and taken captive by CIA-trained Bolivian special armed forces. The day after his interrogation, Guevara was shot in the small village of La Higuera. His grave near an airstrip was not discovered until June 1997. Che Guevara’s remains were reburied in the mausoleum in the Cuban city of Santa Clara.
© RIA Novosti . Sholomovich / Go to the mediabankTime magazine named Che Guevara one of 20 heroes and icons and one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Time magazine named Che Guevara one of 20 heroes and icons and one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.
© Museo Che GuevaraChe Guevara on Red Square in Moscow, 1964.

© Museo Che Guevara
Che Guevara on Red Square in Moscow, 1964.
© RIA Novosti . A. Varfolomeev / Go to the mediabankErnesto Che Guevara with Yury Gagarin, the first man in space. Photo reproduction, November 1964.

Ernesto Che Guevara with Yury Gagarin, the first man in space. Photo reproduction, November 1964.
© Embassy of the Republic of Cuba to Russia“Ernesto is an example of a person that shows that anyone can be like him, if they want and if they have enough will power. You don’t need to be a superhuman to give yourself to the cause of others,” – says Argentinian director Jorge Denti, who made a movie about Guevara.

© Embassy of the Republic of Cuba to Russia
“Ernesto is an example of a person that shows that anyone can be like him, if they want and if they have enough will power. You don’t need to be a superhuman to give yourself to the cause of others,” – says Argentinian director Jorge Denti, who made a movie about Guevara.