On August 2, people across Russia celebrate their paratroopers: current and ex servicemen don their trademark striped vests and blue berets and head to town parks and squares to celebrate – often with alcohol-fuelled macho competitions.
© RIA Novosti . Alexey DanichevOn August 2, people across Russia celebrate their paratroopers: current and ex servicemen don their trademark striped vests and blue berets and head to town parks and squares to celebrate – often with alcohol-fuelled macho competitions. In St. Petersburg a man celebrating paratrooper day and an LGBT activist on a one-man protest were detained by police after a scuffle broke out between them when the activist tried to unfurl a rainbow flag, local media reported.

© RIA Novosti . Alexey Danichev
On August 2, people across Russia celebrate their paratroopers: current and ex servicemen don their trademark striped vests and blue berets and head to town parks and squares to celebrate – often with alcohol-fuelled macho competitions. In St. Petersburg a man celebrating paratrooper day and an LGBT activist on a one-man protest were detained by police after a scuffle broke out between them when the activist tried to unfurl a rainbow flag, local media reported.
© RIA Novosti . Maxim Blinov / Go to the mediabankIn Moscow, the Soviet-built exhibition pavilion at VDNKh and Gorky Park are among the main focal points for paratrooper day celebrations – men in striped vests frolicked in fountains, waved flags and ate watermelons.

In Moscow, the Soviet-built exhibition pavilion at VDNKh and Gorky Park are among the main focal points for paratrooper day celebrations – men in striped vests frolicked in fountains, waved flags and ate watermelons.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Voskresenski / Go to the mediabankEx-paratroopers remembered their time on active service.

Ex-paratroopers remembered their time on active service.
© RIA Novosti . Pavel LisitsynSome in Yekaterinburg headed to Soviet Army square complete with parachute, just in case.

© RIA Novosti . Pavel Lisitsyn
Some in Yekaterinburg headed to Soviet Army square complete with parachute, just in case.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Astapkovich / Go to the mediabankIn addition to the more worldly celebrations taking place in fountains and parks across the capital, Moscow also saw a Christian procession through the city to mark the day.

In addition to the more worldly celebrations taking place in fountains and parks across the capital, Moscow also saw a Christian procession through the city to mark the day.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir AstapkovichThe Russian Orthodox Church and Russia’s Paratroopers also paid their respects to Prophet Elijah. Prophet Elijah is referred to as a healer and miracle-worker in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and is regarded by Russia’s Paratroopers as their protector.

© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Astapkovich
The Russian Orthodox Church and Russia’s Paratroopers also paid their respects to Prophet Elijah. Prophet Elijah is referred to as a healer and miracle-worker in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and is regarded by Russia’s Paratroopers as their protector.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Astapkovitch / Go to the mediabankVeterans, serving paratroopers, and cadets took part in celebrations on Moscow’s Red Square.

Veterans, serving paratroopers, and cadets took part in celebrations on Moscow’s Red Square.

Many people brought their children along.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir AstapkovichThe Christian procession through Moscow, in honor of Prophet Elijah, started from the Elijah the Prophet cathedral and ended on Red Square.

© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Astapkovich
The Christian procession through Moscow, in honor of Prophet Elijah, started from the Elijah the Prophet cathedral and ended on Red Square.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Astapkovich / Go to the mediabankParatroopers on Red Square celebrating the 83-rd anniversary of the creation of dedicated paratroopers’ units within the country’s Armed Forces.

Paratroopers on Red Square celebrating the 83-rd anniversary of the creation of dedicated paratroopers’ units within the country’s Armed Forces.
© RIA Novosti . Alexei MalgavkoRussian President Vladimir Putin praised veterans and serving paratroopers for their outstanding professionalism, skill, sense of duty and loyalty.

© RIA Novosti . Alexei Malgavko
Russian President Vladimir Putin praised veterans and serving paratroopers for their outstanding professionalism, skill, sense of duty and loyalty.
© RIA Novosti . Mikhail Voskresenski / Go to the mediabankMoscow’s Gorky Park remains a favorite spot for partying paratroopers.

Moscow’s Gorky Park remains a favorite spot for partying paratroopers.
© RIA Novosti . Iakov AndreevCelebrating paratrooper day in Tomsk. The local authorities drained the fountains, reportedly for technical reasons, but that did not put a dampener on proceedings – the men headed to the river.

© RIA Novosti . Iakov Andreev
Celebrating paratrooper day in Tomsk. The local authorities drained the fountains, reportedly for technical reasons, but that did not put a dampener on proceedings – the men headed to the river.
© RIA Novosti . Alexei DanichevCelebrations in St. Petersburg included a veterans’ parade and the laying of flowers, and a concert.

© RIA Novosti . Alexei Danichev
Celebrations in St. Petersburg included a veterans’ parade and the laying of flowers, and a concert.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir AstapkovichCelebrating Paratrooper Day.

© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Astapkovich
Celebrating Paratrooper Day.