Amid the ongoing violence that has claimed the lives of more than 750 people in Egyptian riots during the past two weeks, almost 50 Christian churches and religious buildings have been burned down.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankAmid the ongoing violence that has claimed the lives of more than 750 people in Egyptian riots during the past two weeks, almost 50 Christian churches and religious buildings have been burned down.

Amid the ongoing violence that has claimed the lives of more than 750 people in Egyptian riots during the past two weeks, almost 50 Christian churches and religious buildings have been burned down.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankRepresentatives of Egypt’s Churches Council have made a list of 49 churches or Christian buildings that were burned down or destroyed from August 14 to 17.

Representatives of Egypt’s Churches Council have made a list of 49 churches or Christian buildings that were burned down or destroyed from August 14 to 17.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankThe list included 30 Coptic Orthodox churches, 14 Catholic churches and monasteries and five Protestant houses of prayer.

The list included 30 Coptic Orthodox churches, 14 Catholic churches and monasteries and five Protestant houses of prayer.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankChristian religious buildings suffered the most damage in the cities of Minya and Luxor in Upper Egypt.

Christian religious buildings suffered the most damage in the cities of Minya and Luxor in Upper Egypt.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankEarlier reports said 44 churches had been attacked around the country.

Earlier reports said 44 churches had been attacked around the country.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankEgypt’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi told Christians that the churches will be restored at the expense of the state. Military engineers and builders have already been assigned to the sites.

Egypt’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi told Christians that the churches will be restored at the expense of the state. Military engineers and builders have already been assigned to the sites.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankThe Father Superior of a burned Coptic church in the Minya province.

The Father Superior of a burned Coptic church in the Minya province.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankMuslim leaders, including senior staff at the Islamic Al-Azhar University in Cairo, have condemned the attacks on Christian churches.

Muslim leaders, including senior staff at the Islamic Al-Azhar University in Cairo, have condemned the attacks on Christian churches.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankRiots in Egypt erupted after the military dispersed camps set up by supporters of the ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Photo: burned-out Coptic churches in Minya province, Egypt.

Riots in Egypt erupted after the military dispersed camps set up by supporters of the ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Photo: burned-out Coptic churches in Minya province, Egypt.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankA state of emergency has been declared in the country, with a curfew imposed in 14 Egyptian cities.
Photo: burned-out Coptic churches in Minya province, Egypt.
Photo: burned-out Coptic churches in Minya province, Egypt.

A state of emergency has been declared in the country, with a curfew imposed in 14 Egyptian cities.
Photo: burned-out Coptic churches in Minya province, Egypt.
Photo: burned-out Coptic churches in Minya province, Egypt.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei SteninLast week, the standoff between the military authorities and the supporters of the ousted Islamist president Morsi degenerated into violence that claimed more than 750 lives.

© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin
Last week, the standoff between the military authorities and the supporters of the ousted Islamist president Morsi degenerated into violence that claimed more than 750 lives.