Since time immemorial, people have attributed magical properties to amber, a kind of fossilized resin formed millions of years ago. A small piece of amber jewelry sometimes cost more than a young man being sold at a slave market.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankSince time immemorial, people have attributed magical properties to amber, a kind of fossilized resin formed millions of years ago. A small piece of amber jewelry sometimes cost more than a young man being sold at a slave market.

Since time immemorial, people have attributed magical properties to amber, a kind of fossilized resin formed millions of years ago. A small piece of amber jewelry sometimes cost more than a young man being sold at a slave market.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankThe world’s only commercial amber production company is located in the town of Yantarny (Amber) in Russia’s Kaliningrad Region, whose amber deposits account for at least 90 percent of global reserves.

The world’s only commercial amber production company is located in the town of Yantarny (Amber) in Russia’s Kaliningrad Region, whose amber deposits account for at least 90 percent of global reserves.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankIn the past, people simply collected amber on beaches and sandbanks. In the 14th century, they started using nets to retrieve it from the sea. The process of mining amber from the earth was invented in the 16th century.

In the past, people simply collected amber on beaches and sandbanks. In the 14th century, they started using nets to retrieve it from the sea. The process of mining amber from the earth was invented in the 16th century.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankCurrently, amber is mined at quarries providing access to the so-called blue earth, a layer rich in amber located beneath a 30-40-meter thick section of ore-free earth.

Currently, amber is mined at quarries providing access to the so-called blue earth, a layer rich in amber located beneath a 30-40-meter thick section of ore-free earth.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankAfter the amber rocks are brought to the surface, they are sorted by size.

After the amber rocks are brought to the surface, they are sorted by size.
© RIA Novosti . Igor ZaremboAmber-containing ore is rinsed with water and subsequently delivered to an ore-processing factory, whose workers sort the amber stones, press them and convert them into chemical products.

© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo
Amber-containing ore is rinsed with water and subsequently delivered to an ore-processing factory, whose workers sort the amber stones, press them and convert them into chemical products.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankAfter sorting, the unprocessed amber is placed inside special grinding drums in order to remove the oxide crust. Finally, the amber is polished inside drums with thick felt walls.

After sorting, the unprocessed amber is placed inside special grinding drums in order to remove the oxide crust. Finally, the amber is polished inside drums with thick felt walls.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankA prospector holds a piece of amber at a quarry in the town of Yantarny in Russia’s Kaliningrad Region.

A prospector holds a piece of amber at a quarry in the town of Yantarny in Russia’s Kaliningrad Region.

A piece of amber weighing 1,560 grams.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankMaking amber-and-silver earrings at the amber factory in the Kaliningrad Region.

Making amber-and-silver earrings at the amber factory in the Kaliningrad Region.

White amber.

Flowers made from amber with silver leaves.

Amber necklaces.

Black amber beads.
© RIA Novosti . Igor Zarembo / Go to the mediabankWomen making amber necklaces and bracelets at the Amber factory in the Kaliningrad Region.

Women making amber necklaces and bracelets at the Amber factory in the Kaliningrad Region.