Scientists in Novosibirsk are working on a new type of collider, which could eventually replace the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the most powerful particle accelerator in history. Photo: The VEPP-5 injection complex.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankScientists in Novosibirsk are working on a new type of collider, which could eventually replace the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the most powerful particle accelerator in history. Photo: The VEPP-5 injection complex.

Scientists in Novosibirsk are working on a new type of collider, which could eventually replace the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the most powerful particle accelerator in history. Photo: The VEPP-5 injection complex.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankThe VEPP-1, VEPP-2, VEPP-3 and VEPP-4 counter-propagating beam electron-positron particle accelerators (colliders) have been operating at the Novosibirsk-based Institute of Nuclear Physics since the 1960s. Photo: A VEPP-3 collider.

The VEPP-1, VEPP-2, VEPP-3 and VEPP-4 counter-propagating beam electron-positron particle accelerators (colliders) have been operating at the Novosibirsk-based Institute of Nuclear Physics since the 1960s. Photo: A VEPP-3 collider.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankThe new Electron-Positron Collider Super C-Tau Factory, currently being developed in Novosibirsk, is one of four Russian megaprojects. Photo: A VEPP-5 collider.

The new Electron-Positron Collider Super C-Tau Factory, currently being developed in Novosibirsk, is one of four Russian megaprojects. Photo: A VEPP-5 collider.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankThe system will require 17 billion rubles($500 million), including 4 billion rubles from extra-budgetary sources. Photo: A spherical detector of the VEPP-2000 collider

The system will require 17 billion rubles($500 million), including 4 billion rubles from extra-budgetary sources. Photo: A spherical detector of the VEPP-2000 collider
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankDespite its huge size, the collider functions like an ordinary microscope, helping scientists to peek into the microcosm. Photo: A KEDR detector installed on a VEPP-4M collider

Despite its huge size, the collider functions like an ordinary microscope, helping scientists to peek into the microcosm. Photo: A KEDR detector installed on a VEPP-4M collider
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankHowever, its resolution (magnifying power) is billions of times greater: It can “see” elementary particles, which make up the atom and even their components, including quarks and gluons. Photo: The VEPP-2000 collider

However, its resolution (magnifying power) is billions of times greater: It can “see” elementary particles, which make up the atom and even their components, including quarks and gluons. Photo: The VEPP-2000 collider
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankThe new collider, which will become the most intensive source of elementary particles, has been named the Super C-Tau Factory. Photo: Spherical detector of VEPP-2000 collider

The new collider, which will become the most intensive source of elementary particles, has been named the Super C-Tau Factory. Photo: Spherical detector of VEPP-2000 collider
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankThis project will make it possible to study phenomena beyond the boundaries of the Standard Model, the main theory of physics. Photo: A VEPP-5 collider

This project will make it possible to study phenomena beyond the boundaries of the Standard Model, the main theory of physics. Photo: A VEPP-5 collider
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Krjazhev / Go to the mediabankThe storage ring of the VEPP-4M collider at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

The storage ring of the VEPP-4M collider at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics