MOSCOW, January 29 (RIA Novosti) – Inspections of Russia’s defense industry have uncovered “a huge number of violations of federal law,” and the country must move to tighten oversight of military procurements, the prosecutor general said Wednesday.
“As a result of inspections last year at aircraft and shipbuilding corporations, we have opened 48 criminal cases of theft and deliberate bankruptcy of industrial enterprises,” Yury Chaika said at a government conference.
He added that a further 43 investigations in the defense industry are ongoing.
Chaika partially blamed the corruption on the Industry and Trade Ministry ceding regulatory oversight to defense companies, and urged a return of those functions to the ministry as well as a tightening of quality control procedures by the military.
“The liaisons of the Defense Ministry and military commanders must make improvements in handling the acquisition process and in managing quality control in industrial production,” he said.
Russia, whose armed forces rely on Soviet-era equipment, is in the process of a massive overhaul of its military hardware and has budgeted over $700 billion on the program, which is planned to modernize 75 percent of the country’s arsenal by 2020.
The prosecutor general said that while the country has devoted huge sums of money to defense spending, “we haven’t seen any results from this work. There has been no introduction of new scientific developments in practice.”