President Putin congratulates Obama on US Independence Day

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Russian President Putin congratulates Obama on US Independence Day - Sputnik International
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday congratulated his US counterpart Barack Obama on Independence Day and said Russia and the US share responsibility for maintaining global security and stability, and should cooperate for the benefit of the world.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday congratulated his US counterpart Barack Obama on Independence Day and said Russia and the US share responsibility for maintaining global security and stability, and should cooperate for the benefit of the world.

President Putin congratulates Obama on US Independence Day
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President Putin congratulates Obama on US Independence Day
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday congratulated his US counterpart Barack Obama on Independence Day and said Russia and the US share responsibility for maintaining global security and stability, and should cooperate for the benefit of the world.

Vladimir Putin expressed the hope that relations between Moscow and Washington will develop despite current difficulties. He stated that Russia and the US should respect each other and heed each other's interests.

"It has been possible in Syria. Why shouldn't it be possible in Ukraine?" asks VR's political analyst Dmitry Babich. He argues that the Russian leader is trying "to bring Obama back to reality" adding that the letter could be compared to Putin's article on Syria published in the New York Times right before the deal was struck to remove and destroy Syria's arsenal of chemical weapons.

The political analyst points out that the problem at the moment is a complete difference in understanding of what the conflict in Ukraine is about. Obama, like the majority of Americans, believes that it to be a Russian intrusion when it is in fact a civil war and should be treated as such. In civil wars, he stresses, there is no other solution than a compromise.

Babich also emphasizes that what is going on in Ukraine is against the interests of the European Union and the US. They don't need a conflict in the center of Europe or a conflict with Russia.

Today Americans will celebrate the 238th anniversary of their country's independence from the British Isles with parades, picnics, fireworks, rodeos and concerts.

The 4th of July festivities in Washington include re-enactors portraying historical figures, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, who will read the Declaration of Independence.

There will be a concert and fireworks on the National Mall Friday night. The concert will feature Frankie Valli, Patti Labelle, Michael McDonald, the Muppets and the National Symphony Orchestra.

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