MOSCOW, September 16 (RIA Novosti) - Democrats from the Benghazi Select Committee are set to launch a new website through which they intend to publish investigation results and address public questions over the Benghazi attack in 2012, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
"It is critical that the Select Committee make full use of the extensive investigations that have already been completed-which are compiled here-to define its scope, avoid duplication, and conserve taxpayer dollars to help improve the security of U.S. facilities and personnel around the world," House Democrats were quoted by The Washington Post as saying.
According to The Washington Post, the Benghazi Select Committee will hold its first open hearing Wednesday, where it will read the report compiled after the 2012 attack on the US government's security systems abroad.
The Washington Post also stated that the Benghazi Select Committee, which faced significant criticism on the way it was set up, has a budget of $3.3 million which it plans to spend on casting further light on the 2012 attack that have left an array of public questions unanswered.
On September 11, 2012, an armed group of Libyan jihadists attacked an American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, killing US Ambassador John Cristopher Stevens and one other employee. The next day, two more US embassy workers were murdered by the militants in a second attack on the CIA building in Benghazi.