WASHINGTON, October 25 (RIA Novosti) - Three youths are in critical condition and undergoing surgery at a Seattle hospital after a shooting at the Marysville-Pilchuck High School, the Providence Regional Hospital's spokesperson Colleen Wadden told RIA Novosti Friday.
According to Wadden, three youths are in critical condition, and another young victim was transferred to the city's Harborview Medical Center, but the spokesperson did not provide an update on their condition.
The police are searching the school that is on lockdown, and have not released any further details yet.
The incident took place at Marysville-Pilchuck High School Friday. A gunman reportedly shot himself after opening fire inside a US school north of Seattle, in Washington state.
Public mass shootings in the United States have been on the rise since 2011, according to Harvard researchers. Studies show that a public mass shooting occurred on average every 172 days since 1982, while in September 2011 this number spikes to some 14 public incidents in less than every 172 days. In the subsequent three-year phase they occurred every 64 days on average.