MOSCOW, November 24 (Sputnik) — Threats that are currently coming from terrorism, will last for years, UK Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley stated Monday.
"Even if the awfulness that's happening in Syria and Iraq was miraculously to get sorted in the next year or so, and that looks very optimistic, there are other countries across parts of Africa and elsewhere in the world which are in parlous states and the potential for this type of terrorism to reach back into Europe to continue in other theatres is equally great," Rowley said as quoted by The Guardian on Monday.
"Whether it continues in that theatre or whether it moves into other places, I think there's a high prospect of it continuing in this nature for several years," Rowley added.
Rowley's statement comes after UK Home Secretary Theresa May announced a new bill, toughening counter-terrorism measures in the United Kingdom. The bill will be introduced to the British parliament on Wednesday. If signed into a law, the bill, among other things, will oblige schools, colleges, universities, the police, prisons, probation providers and local governments to make sure people with extremist views are not engaged in terrorism.