"As always, we're looking forward to this occasion, making wishes, giving gifts to each other and celebrating together with our friends and family members. An atmosphere of kindness, goodwill and benevolence warms our hearts, inspiring pure thoughts and honorable deeds, and giving us hope," Vladimir Putin said.
"Obviously, everyone is first and foremost concerned about his or her family, wishing them health and happiness. And it is the success and well-being of every single citizen that comprises the well-being of Russia as a whole," he added.
"Now, as we reflect on the passing year, I would like to sincerely thank you for the unity and solidarity that you displayed, along with truthfulness, honor, justice and a sense of responsibility for your country; for your unwavering readiness to defend Russia’s interests, for your staunch loyalty in both times of triumph and of woe, and your eagerness to accomplish our most daring and massive undertakings," Russian President Putin said.
"But not only did we see it come true, we hosted the best Winter Olympic Games in history and won them. All of Russia’s citizens made it happen, both the Olympic athletes and those who supported them," Putin said.
"In the coming year we’re facing a considerable number of tasks, and the year will be as good as we make it, depending on how efficient, creative and effective each and every one of us can be. There is no other way. We must fulfil all of our goals, for our sake and for the sake of our children, for the sake of Russia," Russian President Vladimir Putin concluded.
"The New Year is knocking at our doors. It’s time to greet it and to tell our loved ones how we care about them, to thank them for their patience and understanding, for their kindness. The more love and kindness there is around, the more confident and powerful we’ll become, making our success all but inevitable. Happy New Year to all of you! Happy Year 2015!"