"The tragedy in Paris has demonstrated that it is not Russia that threatens Europe and its security. It's a bluff. The real threat comes from the adherents of terrorism. It's a fact," Alexei Pushkov, the head of the foreign affairs committee in the lower house of Russia's Parliament tweeted.
Трагедия в Париже показывает,что не Россия угрожает Европе и ее безопасности.Это блеф. Подлинная угроза исходит от адептов террора.Это факт.
— Алексей Пушков (@Alexey_Pushkov) January 7, 2015
On Wednesday, three men burst into the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine's central Paris office. At least 12 people — 10 journalists and 2 police officers — were shot and killed by the gunmen. According to media reports, the shooters managed to escape by car.
Following the attack, France's Ile-de-France region was placed on the highest terror alert in decades. French media offices have also been placed under enhanced police protection. The manhunt for the gunmen is already underway.