"The move by Mozilla has had a definite impact on US search [engine use]," StatCounter CEO Aodhan Cullen, the company behind the statistics, told Bloomberg. "The question now is whether Firefox users switch back to Google."
According to StatCounter, Google's market share decreased from 77.3 percent in November to 75.2 percent in December, while Yahoo's market share rose from 8.6 percent in November to 10.4 percent in December. Bing's share of the market witnessed a small increase, from 12.1 percent in November to 12.5 in December.
The WSJ reports that Google is also facing a potentially greater danger to its market share, after news surfaced that Apple is thinking about ditching Google in favor of a different search provider for its Safari browser. Cullen from StatCounter told the paper that such a prospect represents "an even bigger opportunity" for Yahoo or Microsoft to expand into Google's share of the market.