Zimmerman's back in court again, and this time he's been arrested for aggravated assault and domestic violence charges for throwing a wine bottle at his girlfriend. This isn't the first time. In 2013 he was arrested on similar charges, but that was a different woman and those charges eventually were dropped.
In the current incident, Zimmerman was arrested and booked last night in Lake St. Mary, Florida, near the Tampa area.

Zimmerman's lawyer Don West said the alleged incident happened several days ago in Zimmerman's house and that the pair hadn't been together for some time before that or since. Police first found out about it when they stopped the woman yesterday for a traffic violation. She hasn't been identified.
Zimmerman spent several hours in jail and appeared this morning before John Galluzo, who ordered him to stay away from the woman, turn over any weapons, and post a $5,000 bond. Zimmerman has a court date for Feb. 17.
Since his acquital in the Martin case, Zimmerman been a familiar face around law enforcement circles. In addition to his run-ins with girlfriends, Zimmerman's estranged wife accused him of throwing an iPad at her, and he's been stopped several times for traffic violations.
In court today, Zimmerman said nothing, leaving his lawyer the task of delivering to reporters what is likely the profoundest statement of the day: "It's clear he hasn't been very lucky with the ladies in the last few months."