France saw an unprecedented surge in national unity in response to the recent string of terror attacks stemming from the initial attack on the offices of Charlie Hedbo. In response, people around the world took to the streets to show their solidarity with the victims and come together in the wake of the tragedy. The march in France is considered to be one of the largest ever.
© REUTERS / Youssef BoudlalThe march was hailed historic by French authorities and media and is considered to be the largest in the country's history.

The march was hailed historic by French authorities and media and is considered to be the largest in the country's history.
© REUTERS / Philippe WojazerHeads of State from more than 50 countries attended the rally. After marching alongside François Hollande, they posed together for photographs, and then left the area. Hollande then met with relatives of the terror victims.
Above: French President Francois Hollande is surrounded by Heads of state as they attend the solidarity march in the streets of Paris January 11, 2015.
Above: French President Francois Hollande is surrounded by Heads of state as they attend the solidarity march in the streets of Paris January 11, 2015.

Heads of State from more than 50 countries attended the rally. After marching alongside François Hollande, they posed together for photographs, and then left the area. Hollande then met with relatives of the terror victims.
Above: French President Francois Hollande is surrounded by Heads of state as they attend the solidarity march in the streets of Paris January 11, 2015.
Above: French President Francois Hollande is surrounded by Heads of state as they attend the solidarity march in the streets of Paris January 11, 2015.
© Sputnik / Galina Azule / Go to the mediabankBecause the sheer amount of people who attended, it will be impossible to provide an exact number, however, some have estimated the crowd to have been between 1.2 to 1.6 million people.

Because the sheer amount of people who attended, it will be impossible to provide an exact number, however, some have estimated the crowd to have been between 1.2 to 1.6 million people.
© Sputnik / Galina Azule / Go to the mediabankSocialist Party organizer and rally leader Francois Lamy said as many as 1.3 million to 1.5 million people attended the event.

Socialist Party organizer and rally leader Francois Lamy said as many as 1.3 million to 1.5 million people attended the event.
© Sputnik / Galina Azule / Go to the mediabankPeople began gathering at Republic Square, the starting place of the march, long before 3:00 p.m. when the event was set to kick off. People filled the square and nearby streets by midday. Many of the participants brought their families.

People began gathering at Republic Square, the starting place of the march, long before 3:00 p.m. when the event was set to kick off. People filled the square and nearby streets by midday. Many of the participants brought their families.
© Sputnik / Go to the mediabankMany had banners and badges saying "Je suis Charlie" (I am Charlie) in memory of the victims of the terror attack on magazine’s editorial office.

Many had banners and badges saying "Je suis Charlie" (I am Charlie) in memory of the victims of the terror attack on magazine’s editorial office.
© Sputnik / Galina Azule / Go to the mediabankMany people brought pencils to the event, putting them in their lapel pockets, others attaching them to their hats, and some held huge pencil mockups in solidarity with Charlie Hebdo cartoonists.

Many people brought pencils to the event, putting them in their lapel pockets, others attaching them to their hats, and some held huge pencil mockups in solidarity with Charlie Hebdo cartoonists.
© Sputnik / Mikhail Markiv / Go to the mediabankRepresentatives of the magazine Charlie Hebdo who were the target of the attack also joined the rally.

Representatives of the magazine Charlie Hebdo who were the target of the attack also joined the rally.
© Sputnik / Galina Azule / Go to the mediabankSome 5,500 police and military forces were deployed to ensure security during the march.

Some 5,500 police and military forces were deployed to ensure security during the march.
© Sputnik / Galina Azule / Go to the mediabankAlongside with Paris, people marched against terrorism in many other French cities.

Alongside with Paris, people marched against terrorism in many other French cities.
© Sputnik / Galina Azule / Go to the mediabankRallies also took place outside of France, with thousands of people gathering in London, Washington, Montreal and Berlin.

Rallies also took place outside of France, with thousands of people gathering in London, Washington, Montreal and Berlin.