“The first delivery of shrimp and trout to Russia was announced this week. All that remains is that companies that produce dairy and meat products also receive approval on the export of their goods to Russia,” Sanaei said.
“I hope that this happens because it’s very important. We were promised that this would be resolved in the first quarter [of this year] by the end of March,” the ambassador added.
Sanaei noted that despite high tariffs on exports of Iranian goods to Russia currently in place, he expects Tehran to sign an export agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union this year.
Two weeks ago, head of the Iran-Russia Chamber of Commerce confirmed the start of fish exports to Russia, with dairy and livestock products expected to follow within 10 days.
The 2010 UN sanctions on Iran over its controversial nuclear program prohibited arms deals between Russia and Iran, however Moscow and Tehran have continued to cooperate in the fields of energy, industry, transport and agriculture.