Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has conducted her first political emoji interview, using on-line ideograms instead of words.
An unusual interview has been given by Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to Buzzfeed: answering questions regarding serious political matters, Bishop was sending icons and smileys.
So far, Julie Bishop described Australia's relations with the United States as a broadly smiling face and a thumbs up, used a grinning face wearing black sunglasses for China and a thumbs up, a tick and a sad face while expressing her views regarding ties with Indonesia, where two Australians charged with drug crimes could soon face execution.
Julie Bishop confessed about her guilty pleasures, sending images of high-heeled shoes and donuts and revealed that her "spirit animal" is a monkey.
While answering the question about Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Julie Bishop sent an ideogram depicting a running man, in apparent reference to Abbot's passion for sports. However, when asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Australian foreign minister replied with a red angry face. Alas, it remains a mystery whether she was trying to say that Mr. Putin was angry, or expressed her own attitude to the Russian leader.
Lolwut?! Australian Foreign Minister @JulieBishopMP does an all-emoji interview
— Wouter van Cleef (@WvanCleef) February 16, 2015
It should be noted that the last year Australia joined the Western anti-Russia campaign, groundlessly linking Moscow to the MH17 catastrophe in Ukraine.
The Australian foreign minister, who is viewed as a potential successor to Tony Abbot, is well-known for her habit of using various emojis on her Twitter. For instance, she posted an image of a dancing woman and microphone while sharing the news about Australia's participation in Eurovision 2015.
However, the foreign minister's own political plans are still shrouded in secrecy: when asked if she wanted to be Australia's prime minister one day, Julie Bishop concealed her emotions replying with a straight face. So, don't you think an emoji interview leaves more questions than answers?