At beginning of the year, Ukrainian authorities announced an ambitious plan to mobilize nearly 104,000 men aged 20-60 to continue Kiev’s so-called "anti-terrorist campaign" in the country’s east. The campaign, meant to be carried out in three waves, between late January and June, has been reported to have recruited roughly 45,000 personnel so far. However, as many Russian, Ukrainian, and even Western observers now recognize, the mobilization machine is running out of steam, as large numbers of men and their families do anything they can to avoid the senseless and bloody civil conflict in the east. Sputnik has collected just a few of the reason why mobilization is failing in Ukraine.
Reason #1: Pseudo-Patriotism in the West Doesn't Translate to Warm Bodies on the Battlefield in the East
And Biryukov really does have a lot to be angry about, as officials have reported about Western regions such as Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Zakarpattia seeing draft-dodging rates of between 40-60 percent, while Ukrainian media commented on the disappearance of the draft-eligible populations of entire villages and districts practically overnight, men fleeing to other regions, to Europe and into Russia. Biryukov was outraged to find that even local officials are complicit in the affair, noting that authorities in several regions have been caught refusing to distribute draft notices or tipping off residents ahead of recruitment officials' arrival. Naturally, conscription offices in the center and east of the country don't have it any easier, with up to 50 percent desertion rates reported in some regions. Then again, many people in these regions never supported the military operation in the first place.
Ukrainian media reports are filled with reports of skyrocketing numbers of conscientious objectors, draftees refusing to serve based on their newly-found religious convictions, and of exploding rates of bribery of conscription officials and medical commissions to get out of service.
Reason #2: Anti-War Voices in Ukrainian Society Are Growing Increasingly Louder
Kotsaba’s sentiment is shared by many of the country’s draft-evaders, who note that while they remain patriots of their country ready to defend it from external aggression, they are not prepared to fight against their fellow countrymen in the east. Ukrainian football superstars Alexandr Zavarov and Yuri Sivukha are among the latest in a series of high-profile conscientious objectors who would rather face jail time than join in the fratricidal war. Zavarov, hailing from the now rebel-occupied Luhansk, noted that "I will never wage war in the city, where my family and my children live and where my parents are buried."
Reason #3: Ukrainians Recognize the War’s True, Terrible Costs
Reason #4: Russia Remains Unwilling to Close the Door on Ukrainian Refugees
Russia has provided Ukrainian draft evaders with their largest safe-haven by far. As paradoxical as it may seem, even many Western Ukrainians are heading for Russia in search of a safe-haven and work, with countries of the EU often snubbing refugees and job-hunters, even despite the present Ukrainian leadership’s much-touted hopes for future integration into that organization.
The Results: Kiev’s Attempts at Using the Carrot Are Being Replaced by the Stick
Ukraine's parliament has passed a law threatening 2 to 5 years prison time for draft evaders, and the president has even warned invoking martial law across the country if necessary in order to support mobilization efforts. Regions across the country have already announced initiatives to prevent draft-eligible men from leaving their home regions without military commissars' permission, something the UN has condemned, noting that it would "negatively affect the free movement of Ukrainian men, spur corruption and human smuggling."