Take the Driver’s Seat: Star Wars Imperial Speeder Bike Comes to Life

© Photo : makezine.comInspired by the Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, one fan decided to see for himself how the world would be seen through the eyes of a Scout Trooper chasing Luke Skywalker through the forest of Endor.
Inspired by the Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, one fan decided to see for himself how the world would be seen through the eyes of a Scout Trooper chasing Luke Skywalker through the forest of Endor. - Sputnik International
Inspired by Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, one fan decided to see for himself how the world would be seen through the eyes of a Scout Trooper chasing Luke Skywalker through the forest of Endor.

Star Wars fan Adam Woodsworth has come up with a remote control version of the Star Wars Imperial Speeder Bike.

He modified a quadcopter (a small rotary-winged aircraft) and a Hasbro Power of the Force series Speeder Bike toy to make a vehicle straight out of the movie..

To be able to “get into” and fly around himself, the inventor mounted a Scout trooper on the bike who has a forward-pointing camera on his head. The recorded video of his fly through the air gives one the illusion that he is flying himself, and it is funny to look at it from a first-person perspective.

The inventor shared the details of his construction process via the website  Make.com, a site for Do It Yourself (DIY) ideas.

Hop on board and watch the speeder bike fly through a park.

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