April Fool’s Day is fast approaching and it provides a rare opportunity for prank lovers to play jokes on their oblivious victims. Here is a list of entertaining home and office practical jokes that may lead to a day full of laughter with friends or to, possibly, even losing a few of them.
© Flickr / Comhomflt A creative way to turn someone’s life upside down.

© Flickr / Comhomflt
A creative way to turn someone’s life upside down.
© Flickr / Scott AblemanCompletely covering a car with colorful sticky notes won’t do any damage and is cheerfully beautiful.

© Flickr / Scott Ableman
Completely covering a car with colorful sticky notes won’t do any damage and is cheerfully beautiful.
© Flickr / Marc Brubaker Creating a giant paper mess in someone's room is fun but requires a lot of preparation.

© Flickr / Marc Brubaker
Creating a giant paper mess in someone's room is fun but requires a lot of preparation.
© Flickr / Wetwebwork Planting a garden in your co-worker’s keyboard will definitely leave them speechless.

© Flickr / Wetwebwork
Planting a garden in your co-worker’s keyboard will definitely leave them speechless.
© Flickr / Michael Morris You can freak out your coworkers by creating an illusion of their office completely filled with plastic.

© Flickr / Michael Morris
You can freak out your coworkers by creating an illusion of their office completely filled with plastic.
© Flickr / Jake SuttonBalloons also prove to be a perfect filler for a colleague's office, upholding the holiday spirit and making it impossible to reach their desk.

© Flickr / Jake Sutton
Balloons also prove to be a perfect filler for a colleague's office, upholding the holiday spirit and making it impossible to reach their desk.
© Flickr / Jeffrey Murphy Nothing is more frustrating than having to bypass dozens of cups filled with water when you are sleepy and in a hurry.

© Flickr / Jeffrey Murphy
Nothing is more frustrating than having to bypass dozens of cups filled with water when you are sleepy and in a hurry.
© Flickr / Michelle Kempner Enter your colleague's office. Wrap everything in sight - from the desk, chair, and computer right down to the last pen. Enjoy watching your annoyed colleague unwrap your special gift.

© Flickr / Michelle Kempner
Enter your colleague's office. Wrap everything in sight - from the desk, chair, and computer right down to the last pen. Enjoy watching your annoyed colleague unwrap your special gift.
© Flickr / Clint Rutkas Game of Foam Thrones? You could turn your friend's chair into a foam mess.

© Flickr / Clint Rutkas
Game of Foam Thrones? You could turn your friend's chair into a foam mess.
© Flickr / Pat KnightWrap the car prank is best played when your victim is likely to be rushing off to an important meeting or appointment.

© Flickr / Pat Knight
Wrap the car prank is best played when your victim is likely to be rushing off to an important meeting or appointment.