WASHINGTON — US Senate Democrats voiced their support for the political framework agreement on an Iranian nuclear program reached on Thursday as a positive alternative to war with Iran, according to press releases.
“We must always remain vigilant about preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon but there is no question that a diplomatic solution is vastly preferable to the alternatives,” US Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said on Thursday.
Obama has warned that if the nuclear talks fail, all options, including military action against Iran, are on the table.
The Senate Minority Leader recommended a period of “thoughtful consideration” to consider the details of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action issued on Thursday.
“We have much to learn about what was negotiated and what will take place between now and the end of June [deadline for a nuclear agreement],” Reid added.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democrat Chris Murphy expressed his support for the framework agreement saying it “demonstrates the political will exists to complete a final deal by the July deadline [for the nuclear talks].”
Reid, Murphy, and a number of other Senators from both political parties expressed the desire to fully review the details of the framework agreement released on Thursday.
The preliminary agreement on Iran's nuclear program was reached earlier on Thursday during the latest round of talks in Lausanne, Switzerland by the P5+1 group of countries and Iran.
The negotiating parties are set to reach a final agreement to ensure the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program by July 1, 2015.