WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands will visit the United States in June 2015, the White House announced in a statement on Friday.
“President [Barack] Obama will host Their Royal Highnesses King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands for a meeting in the Oval Office on June 1, 2015,” the statement said.
31 March 2015, 14:38 GMT
“The King and Queen were last hosted at the White House as the Crown Prince and Princess on September 11, 2009,” the statement added.
The royal couple will visit Grand Rapids, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois in addition to Washington, DC, according to the statement.
Willem-Alexander became the first king of The Netherlands in 2013 since the death of King William III in 1890.
His wife, Maxima Zorreguieta, is a former investment banker from Argentina.