John T. Booker Jr., of Topeka, Kan., Was arrested near Junction City as he was attempting to initiate what he thought would be a suicide-bomb attack.
“The perimeter of Fort Riley was never penetrated, there was never any concern on our part that he would get onto the fort and, unbeknownst to him, the materials that were used to make up this bomb were inert,” Grissom told Kansas Public Radio of the University of Kansas.
Booker is facing federal charges and a penalty of life in prison.
Grissom said Booker had appeared in a video where he threatened to attack family members of the military in his allegiance to the Islamic State.
“It’s alleged that he told another individual that detonating a suicide bomb was his number one aspiration because he couldn’t be captured, all the evidence would be destroyed and he would be guaranteed to hit his target,” says Grissom.