The world celebrates Circus Day on the third Saturday of April, which is April 18 this year. Circuses have certainly left a significant imprint on almost everyone’s memory as a place of sheer fun, joy and magic. Going to the circus brings out the child inside of us, and this is wonderful. Feel artists’ mastery and the beauty of the circus in our collection.
© Sputnik / Evgeny Biyatov / Go to the mediabankThe day was marked for the first time in 2010 at the initiative of the European Circus Association and the Federation Mondiale Du Cirque.
Above: Elephants and circus actors take part in a circus performance at Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard (Nikulin's Circus).
Above: Elephants and circus actors take part in a circus performance at Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard (Nikulin's Circus).

The day was marked for the first time in 2010 at the initiative of the European Circus Association and the Federation Mondiale Du Cirque.
Above: Elephants and circus actors take part in a circus performance at Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard (Nikulin's Circus).
Above: Elephants and circus actors take part in a circus performance at Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard (Nikulin's Circus).
© Sputnik / Dmitryi Donskoy / Go to the mediabankThe first circus was opened in 1777 (or 1768) in London by equestrian Philip Astley, regarded now as the creator of the modern circus.
Above: Young spectator visiting illusionist Igor Kio's circus show at Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.
Above: Young spectator visiting illusionist Igor Kio's circus show at Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

The first circus was opened in 1777 (or 1768) in London by equestrian Philip Astley, regarded now as the creator of the modern circus.
Above: Young spectator visiting illusionist Igor Kio's circus show at Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.
Above: Young spectator visiting illusionist Igor Kio's circus show at Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.
© AP Photo / Rick RycroftHe hosted Europe’s first theatrical performance in a building with a circular arena and a domed roof.
Above: Circa Show at the Sydney Opera House.
Above: Circa Show at the Sydney Opera House.

© AP Photo / Rick Rycroft
He hosted Europe’s first theatrical performance in a building with a circular arena and a domed roof.
Above: Circa Show at the Sydney Opera House.
Above: Circa Show at the Sydney Opera House.
© Sputnik / Vladimir Pesnya / Go to the mediabankAstley’s Amphitheatre presented a lot of shows with horses, including equestrian performances. He calculated the arena diameter to be 13 meters to create optimal centrifugal force applied to the rider and the horse.
Above: Circus ballet artists perform in the Like Russian circus show held at the Moscow State Circus.
Above: Circus ballet artists perform in the Like Russian circus show held at the Moscow State Circus.

Astley’s Amphitheatre presented a lot of shows with horses, including equestrian performances. He calculated the arena diameter to be 13 meters to create optimal centrifugal force applied to the rider and the horse.
Above: Circus ballet artists perform in the Like Russian circus show held at the Moscow State Circus.
Above: Circus ballet artists perform in the Like Russian circus show held at the Moscow State Circus.
© Sputnik / Igor Russak / Go to the mediabankAt the beginning of the 20th century circus performances were augmented by clowns, animal tamers, while aerial gymnasts reached higher levels of performance.
Above: Trainer Vladislav Goncharov with lions in the attraction "One among the lions" performing in the program "Making circus wonders!" at the Circus on Fontanka, led by Vyacheslav Polunin.
Above: Trainer Vladislav Goncharov with lions in the attraction "One among the lions" performing in the program "Making circus wonders!" at the Circus on Fontanka, led by Vyacheslav Polunin.

At the beginning of the 20th century circus performances were augmented by clowns, animal tamers, while aerial gymnasts reached higher levels of performance.
Above: Trainer Vladislav Goncharov with lions in the attraction "One among the lions" performing in the program "Making circus wonders!" at the Circus on Fontanka, led by Vyacheslav Polunin.
Above: Trainer Vladislav Goncharov with lions in the attraction "One among the lions" performing in the program "Making circus wonders!" at the Circus on Fontanka, led by Vyacheslav Polunin.
© Sputnik / Anatoliy Garanin / Go to the mediabankThe technical progress enabled such sophisticated tricks as illusions, races on the vertical wall and a human cannonball.
Above: During the carnival in the Gorky Park of recreation and leisure, Moscow, 1938.
Above: During the carnival in the Gorky Park of recreation and leisure, Moscow, 1938.

The technical progress enabled such sophisticated tricks as illusions, races on the vertical wall and a human cannonball.
Above: During the carnival in the Gorky Park of recreation and leisure, Moscow, 1938.
Above: During the carnival in the Gorky Park of recreation and leisure, Moscow, 1938.
© Sputnik / Vladimir PesnyaThe Russian circus is rooted in old fairs, where jugglers, gymnasts and acrobats never missed an opportunity to amaze the public with their talents.
Above: Gymnast Kseniya Yolkina in the "UFO. A Circus from Another Planet" show at the Grand Moscow Circus.
Above: Gymnast Kseniya Yolkina in the "UFO. A Circus from Another Planet" show at the Grand Moscow Circus.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Pesnya
The Russian circus is rooted in old fairs, where jugglers, gymnasts and acrobats never missed an opportunity to amaze the public with their talents.
Above: Gymnast Kseniya Yolkina in the "UFO. A Circus from Another Planet" show at the Grand Moscow Circus.
Above: Gymnast Kseniya Yolkina in the "UFO. A Circus from Another Planet" show at the Grand Moscow Circus.
© Sputnik / Evgeny Biyatov / Go to the mediabankThe first stationary circuses opened in Russia in the 19th century.
Above: A clown before a circus performance at Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard (Nikulin's Circus).
Above: A clown before a circus performance at Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard (Nikulin's Circus).

The first stationary circuses opened in Russia in the 19th century.
Above: A clown before a circus performance at Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard (Nikulin's Circus).
Above: A clown before a circus performance at Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard (Nikulin's Circus).
© AP Photo / Efrem LukatskyThe Chinese circus is especially popular. Its tradition is centuries old, and it developed independently from European circuses.
Above: A circus artist performs with dogs during the opening concert in the new, 2013 season in Ukraine's National Circus in Kiev, Ukraine.
Above: A circus artist performs with dogs during the opening concert in the new, 2013 season in Ukraine's National Circus in Kiev, Ukraine.

© AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky
The Chinese circus is especially popular. Its tradition is centuries old, and it developed independently from European circuses.
Above: A circus artist performs with dogs during the opening concert in the new, 2013 season in Ukraine's National Circus in Kiev, Ukraine.
Above: A circus artist performs with dogs during the opening concert in the new, 2013 season in Ukraine's National Circus in Kiev, Ukraine.
© Sputnik / Ekaterina Chesnokova / Go to the mediabankChinese circus artists showcase the unbelievable capabilities of the human body: extreme flexibility, great strength and precise coordination.
Above: Animal trainer performs with pigeons in the new "Royal Circus" show at the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow.
Above: Animal trainer performs with pigeons in the new "Royal Circus" show at the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow.

Chinese circus artists showcase the unbelievable capabilities of the human body: extreme flexibility, great strength and precise coordination.
Above: Animal trainer performs with pigeons in the new "Royal Circus" show at the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow.
Above: Animal trainer performs with pigeons in the new "Royal Circus" show at the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow.
© AP Photo / Irwin FedriansyahThe training in Chinese circus is so hard and consuming that at the age of 25 artists can retire. They are granted free entry to any university.
Above: The New Shanghai Circus' members from China perform acrobatics during the International Circus Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Above: The New Shanghai Circus' members from China perform acrobatics during the International Circus Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia.

© AP Photo / Irwin Fedriansyah
The training in Chinese circus is so hard and consuming that at the age of 25 artists can retire. They are granted free entry to any university.
Above: The New Shanghai Circus' members from China perform acrobatics during the International Circus Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Above: The New Shanghai Circus' members from China perform acrobatics during the International Circus Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia.
© Sputnik / Lev Velikzhanin / Go to the mediabankThe most well-known circus is Canada’s Cirque du Soleil (“Circus of the Sun”). Founded in 1984 by two street performers, it is nowadays the world’s largest theatrical producer.
Above: The Moscow Circus, 1957. Magician Emil Kio and the Bubnov Girls aerial acrobats.
Above: The Moscow Circus, 1957. Magician Emil Kio and the Bubnov Girls aerial acrobats.

The most well-known circus is Canada’s Cirque du Soleil (“Circus of the Sun”). Founded in 1984 by two street performers, it is nowadays the world’s largest theatrical producer.
Above: The Moscow Circus, 1957. Magician Emil Kio and the Bubnov Girls aerial acrobats.
Above: The Moscow Circus, 1957. Magician Emil Kio and the Bubnov Girls aerial acrobats.
© Sputnik / Yegorov / Go to the mediabankIts team comprises more than 4,000 artists which enables the circus to organize several shows around the world simultaneously.
Above: Legendary Soviet actor and clown Yury Nikulin (1921-1997) worked in the circus for 50 years. He retired at the age of 60 and headed the Moscow Circus (Nikulin's Circus).
Above: Legendary Soviet actor and clown Yury Nikulin (1921-1997) worked in the circus for 50 years. He retired at the age of 60 and headed the Moscow Circus (Nikulin's Circus).

Its team comprises more than 4,000 artists which enables the circus to organize several shows around the world simultaneously.
Above: Legendary Soviet actor and clown Yury Nikulin (1921-1997) worked in the circus for 50 years. He retired at the age of 60 and headed the Moscow Circus (Nikulin's Circus).
Above: Legendary Soviet actor and clown Yury Nikulin (1921-1997) worked in the circus for 50 years. He retired at the age of 60 and headed the Moscow Circus (Nikulin's Circus).
© Sputnik / Kirill Kallinikov / Go to the mediabankOn World Circus Day, companies traditionally organize free shows and street performances with clowns, gymnasts, acrobats, jugglers and other artists.
Above: The clown trio "Three Tolsyatka" ("Three Fat Men") performs during the gala show of the World Festival of Circus Art IDOL 2014 held at the Moscow State Circus.
Above: The clown trio "Three Tolsyatka" ("Three Fat Men") performs during the gala show of the World Festival of Circus Art IDOL 2014 held at the Moscow State Circus.

On World Circus Day, companies traditionally organize free shows and street performances with clowns, gymnasts, acrobats, jugglers and other artists.
Above: The clown trio "Three Tolsyatka" ("Three Fat Men") performs during the gala show of the World Festival of Circus Art IDOL 2014 held at the Moscow State Circus.
Above: The clown trio "Three Tolsyatka" ("Three Fat Men") performs during the gala show of the World Festival of Circus Art IDOL 2014 held at the Moscow State Circus.
© AP Photo / Alex BrandonMany adults around the world love the circus (considered by some as just entertainment for children) and go to shows no matter how old they are, as circus performances make them feel young.
Above: An elephant walks off the stage after a media availability before a performance of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Thursday, March 19, 2015 in Washington.
Above: An elephant walks off the stage after a media availability before a performance of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Thursday, March 19, 2015 in Washington.

© AP Photo / Alex Brandon
Many adults around the world love the circus (considered by some as just entertainment for children) and go to shows no matter how old they are, as circus performances make them feel young.
Above: An elephant walks off the stage after a media availability before a performance of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Thursday, March 19, 2015 in Washington.
Above: An elephant walks off the stage after a media availability before a performance of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Thursday, March 19, 2015 in Washington.