The state-approved textbook, entitled 'Ukrainian Language', and oriented toward grade 11 students studying the Ukrainian language, has recently been rediscovered by Russian and Ukrainian social media users over its radical, hateful language. It is worth quoting here in full:
"We are all the children of Ukraine. Ukraine is our mother. One cannot choose one's mother, honest people at least. But the Little Russians, having been born Ukrainians, have rejected their own mother; they pledge allegiance to their stepmother [meaning Russia] and serve her like a mother. There are people among us born this way, people among us living this way, and demanding respect unto themselves. Such 'children of Ukraine' do not skip a beat when they betray their mother –Ukraine. They have no sense of shame for such heinous behavior; they do not have the moral quality of responsibility to their ancestors or their descendants; they do not feel remorse for their disgraceful behavior before the whole Ukrainian nation.
Only in form do these creatures belong to the human community, but in their essence they are degenerates and sub-humans (even if they have a higher education, academic degrees and titles). Ukrainian prisons long for many of them, long and cannot wait to welcome them. But do not worry jails; wait, and your time will come. You will yet open your doors and see the Ukrainophobes, and while hold them, not as guests, but to shut them in forever. And then Ukrainian society will be cleansed from this garbage, this unbearable filth and shame."
Attributed to an Ivan Belebeha, this example of poisonous hate speech is hidden away in an a seemingly innocuous subsection of the text entitled 'The Development of Coherent Speech: Transforming Text In Accordance With the Circumstances'.
With a spattering of Ukrainian and Russian commentators slamming the text back when it first came out in 2011, its recent rediscovery has the potential for even more resonance than before, given the events of the past year and the open, unchecked rise of radical nationalism, intolerance and neo-Nazi rhetoric in post-Maidan Ukraine.
Bringing attention to the text for English-language social media users community is Valentina Lisitsa, a popular Ukrainian-born American classical pianist who has faced criticism and censure over her opposition to the post-Maidan Ukrainian government.
Presenting a variant of the text in English for her Twitter followers, Lisitsa asks them to simply read the text and to ask themselves "if this could happen in YOUR country?"
School lesson: Ukrainian Nationalism 101 "[Minorities] are half-human, filthy, degenerates"
— NedoUkraïnka (@ValLisitsa) 6 мая 2015
Lisitsa's followers have begun their response:
@ValLisitsa it DID happen so in the country of my grand parents and ended 70years ago. This guys seems to be "inspired" by this ideology.
— Medienjunki (@radiohans) 6 мая 2015
It happened in my country, next door to the European Union, for 40 years, not so long ago. It can happen again. @ValLisitsa
— Nahia Sanzo (@nsanzo) 6 мая 2015
@ValLisitsa Julius Streicher would be proud.
— Gracchus Babeuf (@GBabeuf) 6 мая 2015
[Streicher was a top Nazi wartime propagandist.]
@ValLisitsa How insulting, threatening and fascistic can a single page be... Shocking!
— Dr. Pavel Slavenko (@DrPavelSlavenko) 6 мая 2015
Hate Speech Once Extraordinary Now the Norm