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Damascus Ready to Support Probe Into Chemical Attacks in Syria – UN Envoy

© AP Photo / Alfonso PerezA marine officer of the Cape Ray, a ship equipped to neutralize Syrian chemicals, shows a chemical protection suit to reporters
A marine officer of the Cape Ray, a ship equipped to neutralize Syrian chemicals, shows a chemical protection suit to reporters - Sputnik International
The Syrian government is prepared to support an investigation into the use of chemical weapons in the country, Syrian UN envoy Bashar Jaafari told Sputnik on Thursday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Syria has been criticized for using chlorine weapons, as the country fights several militant groups vying for control of the country. In October 2014, the OPCW reported that almost 98 percent of chemical weapons removed from Syria had been destroyed.

"Damascus was the first to demand to determine the parties using chemical weapons. We demanded it back when they were used in Khal al-Assal," Jaafari said.

Members of the UN Security Council did not react to the request as, in the envoy's view, they were not interested in finding out who was behind the attack, he said.

"Western officials know who used chemical weapons in Khan al-Assal and who gave them to terrorists," Jaafari told Sputnik.

OPCW - Sputnik International
OPCW Says 90% of Global Chemical Weapon Stocks Destroyed
The Khan al-Assal attack took place in 2013, and at least 25 people were killed. The Syrian government and the opposition forces blamed each other for the attack.

Investigations into such incidents are normally conducted by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Jaafari said, adding that Damascus would work with the organization to define the scope of the probe.

On May 15, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz said the United States would work with Russia to pressure Syria to stop using chlorine weapons if reports of Syrian government forces using poison gas were confirmed.

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