WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The costs of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, have soared and made coverage unaffordable for many Americans, US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated in a press release.
“Obamacare is a mess… It’s a law filled with broken promises, one that’s been plagued by failure, and one that’s caused costs to skyrocket for millions — after the supporters of this law promised costs would fall,” McConnell said on Thursday.
Under Obamacare, US states were given an opportunity to create their own insurance exchanges — online markets that allow Americans to compare private health care providers.
“It’s about time the President [Obama] and his party worked constructively with us to start over on real health reform that can lower costs and increase choice, instead of hurting the middle class the way Obamacare does,” McConnell added.
In March 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. It was upheld by the US Supreme Court on June 28, 2012.
Later in March, he said that Obamacare was working better than the government had anticipated as it has extended health coverage to 11.7 million people.
Two US government programs implemented through Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid, provide insurance to 123 million US citizens, according to the White House.