Supreme Leader Khamenei Claims US Seeking to Destroy Iran Nuclear Industry

© Sputnik / Sergey Guneev / Go to the mediabankSpiritual leader of Iran Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei
Spiritual leader of Iran Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei - Sputnik International
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has accused the United States of wanting to dismantle the Islamic Republic’s nuclear industry, in a speech on Tuesday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Iran and the P5+1 group of countries, comprising the United States, China, France, Russia and the United Kingdom plus Germany, are working against the clock to finalize a nuclear deal before the June 30 deadline. It will gradually remove sanctions from Tehran in exchange for Iran curtailing its nuclear research.

Representatives of EU, US, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, China and Iran meet for another round of the P5+1 powers and Iran talks in Vienna, Austria on June 12, 2015 - Sputnik International
EU Political Directors to Continue Iran Nuclear Talks in Vienna

"Reviewing trend of US demands, anyone concludes US seeks dismantling of our nuclear industry & identity, leaving a caricature of it behind," Khamenei said, according to postings at his official Twitter account.

In a televised speech on Tuesday, the Iranian spiritual leader said that Washington allegedly wanted Tehran to freeze all work at its nuclear facilities for at least a decade – something the republic would never agree to.

"US governments want us to stop everything for 12 years. But such demand is an excessive demand and extreme mistake."

He again refused to grant international inspectors permission to examine the country’s military facilities or speak to its scientists, saying "We do not accept unconventional, military inspections and interrogation of individuals."

Iran earlier agreed to cut back uranium enrichment activities and decrease its number of centrifuges in exchange for sanctions relief.

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