MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The smuggling of migrants is a truly global problem, with a large number of countries concerned as the point of the origin, transit or destination. Smugglers take advantage of large number of migrants due to their vulnerability to abuse and exploitation.
"This has become an increasingly urgent international issue with serious security implications for the OSCE area and neighbouring regions. Serbia’s 2015 OSCE Chairmanship has consequently decided to make this issue one of its priorities, as human trafficking constitutes a grave violation of human rights and an appalling crime," Aleksandar Nikolic said during the Alliance against Trafficking in Persons (Alliance) conference.
The OSCE Special Representative annually holds a high-level Alliance conference aimed to provide a broad international forum that brings international, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations together to prevent and combat human trafficking. This year's conference is taking place in Vienna, July 6-7.
Speaking at the Alliance conference, OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier referred to the migrants smuggling as "a growing challenge to European security" and "a human tragedy that demands that we redouble our efforts to help."