A mechanized infantry unit of the Russian Land Forces, stationed near Orenburg in the Urals, is due to receive the most advanced electronic warfare complexes, the “Borisoglebsk 2”, by the end of July. One hundred specialists needed to operate the complexes are currently attending courses at an army training center in Tambov.
In May developers of the “Borisoglebsk 2” were granted a government award for their product. The system was initially introduced to the Russian army in 2014.
One complex comprises nine MT-LB vehicles, on which the equipment is mounted. Its purpose is suppression of mobile satellite communication and radio navigation systems.
Compared to previous generation complexes, the “Borisoglebsk 2” has a wider range of radio surveillance and suppression, hi-speed frequency scanning, a longer operative range and a higher precision of spatial localization of radio wave emission sources.