Yarosh claimed that an information war against Right Sector has been launched in Ukraine and that the "incident" in Mukachevo is being used as a pretext to destroy Right Sector structures.
He expressed surprise about the fact that the authorities were quick to label Right Sector members involved in the Mukachevo standoff as gunmen without charge or trial.

Yarosh also said that Right Sector's previous demands for the resignation of Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov remain in force.
At the same time, he did not exclude that his organization may call for "the reset of the entire system of power." According to him, a Right Sector congress, which will be held in Kiev next week, should decide on the further actions of the organization.
"We understand that this [Avakov's resignation] will not resolve the problem. I see that the President of Ukraine is out of his position, in terms of his capacity as both the commander in chief and the person who effectively directs the state," Yarosh said.
According to him, "it is already necessary to speak about the resignation of the President, the dissolution of this Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine's parliament] and, accordingly, the resignation of the government."
July 11 saw an exchange of fire in Mukachevo between local police and Right Sector members, who used sub-machine guns and grenade launchers.At least three people were reportedly killed and thirteen more were injured in the clashes.
The Right Sector is a Ukrainian association of radical, ultra-nationalist organizations that took an active part in the anti-government protests that led to the ousting of former President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014. In January 2015, the Russian Ministry of Justice added the Right Sector to its list of non-commercial organizations whose activity in Russia is prohibited.