Why would one need to come up with a new approach if an old trick works just fine?
"There is no real reason for a brother to shoot a brother in the Russian world. The reason has maliciously been introduced from the outside through deceit and against the rules of the Russian world," Obserwator Polityczny asserted.
The Polish publication maintains that the strategy is implemented by the current Kiev authorities and the outsiders they hired. They allegedly act in the service of "their masters and sponsors" and aim for war.
Nevertheless, the majority of Ukrainians value their ties to Russia, according to Obserwator Polityczny. They are not falling for the propaganda lies spread by current authorities, which "try to convince their people that [other Russian speakers] are their enemies."
The media outlet compared the Ukrainian crisis to a situation when the "sick left arm tries to detach itself from the body. It has broken its fingers, cut itself, peeled off its skin and inflicted various injuries."