"We request that should US citizen Edward J. Snowden attempt to enter Norway through any means, the Government of Norway notify the Embassy immediately and effectuate the return of Mr. Snowden to the United States by way of denial of entry, deportation, expulsion or other lawful means," the note, quoted by the NRK broadcaster, reads.
The note was dated June 27, 2013. Later the same day, a regional office of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation reportedly contacted the Norwegian Justice Department and the National Criminal Investigation Service, describing Snowden as a criminal fugitive.
In June 2013, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden started leaking classified government documents, disclosing the agency’s widespread surveillance of civilian, government and corporate communications.
In July 2013, he was granted temporary asylum in Russia. On August 1, 2014, after a year in Russia, Snowden received a three-year residency permit.