Speaking at the Air and Space Conference near Washington DC last week, US Lieutenant General Bradley Heithold told delegates that first of all he wants to see a 120 kilowatt laser on the AC-130 gunship, a heavily armed ground-attack aircraft variant of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport plane.

"I've got the space and the weight and the power … I've got enough fuel."
"Now we got to put in a beam director and I think the industry – if we get the right teammates together – can put that capability on an AC-130."
"The first concept is defending the aircraft using high-energy laser capability against missiles," explained Heithold.
According to Heithold, a retired AC-130W Stinger II gunship is currently being used to develop and test the technology.
The development of a laser gunship would allow the Air Force to keep step with colleagues in the US Navy, who last year put a 30 kilowatt laser weapon on the USS Ponce, which operates in the Persian Gulf.