EU-Ukraine Visa-Free Regime Talks Unaffected by Refugee Crisis in Europe

© Photo : karpathir.comMysterious military vehicles on the Hungarian-Ukrainian border.
Mysterious military vehicles on the Hungarian-Ukrainian border. - Sputnik International
The refugee crisis Europe is facing does not complicate EU-Ukraine negotiations on a visa-free regime, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin told Sputnik on Monday.

NEW YORK (Sputnik) – Ukraine has long sought a visa-free regime with the European Union that is currently struggling to cope with a massive influx of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa. According to the European Commission, over 500,000 asylum seekers entered the European Union so far in 2015.

"Absolutely not, there is a very clear understanding that the visa-free regime operates when reforms are working and the implementation of all relevant criteria, including technical ones, is running," Klimkin said, when asked if the EU migrant crisis affected the visa talks with the bloc.

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