Sheriff John Hanlin is no stranger to voicing his opposition to strict gun-control policies and certain conspiracy theories.
© TwitterDouglas County Sheriff John Hanlin's post on Twitter with a YouTube video called "The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed"
Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin's post on Twitter with a YouTube video called "The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed"
© Twitter
Following the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, Hanlin posted on his personal Facebook page a link to a YouTube video claiming that the killings at Sandy Hook and the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, were orchestrated by the federal government to create a pretext for disarming the American public through the enactment of severe gun-control laws.
He also stated his department will not enforce policies that violate the constitution.In the letter dated January 16, 2013, Hanlin wrote: “Gun control is NOT the answer to preventing heinous crimes like school shootings … ”
“Any federal regulation enacted by Congress or by executive order of the president offending the constitutional rights of my citizens shall not be enforced by me or by my deputies, nor will I permit the enforcement of any unconstitutional regulations or orders by federal officers within the borders of Douglas County Oregon,” the sheriff wrote.
Following criticism, the conspiracy theory video was removed.
After the recent killings in Oregon, President Barack Obama addressed the nation and made clear his stance on gun laws as the debate reignited throughout the country online.