The website We Are The Mighty (WATM) named the Shkval as one the best arms in its category. The media outlet praised the torpedo for its speed and destructive power.
The Shkval "moves under the surface like a torpedo, but is generally referred to as a missile or rocket because it creates a pocket of air to move through in the water. This reduces friction and allows it to fly through the water at speeds of over 230 mph," WATM observed, referring to what is known as supercavitation.
"A 463-pound warhead then detonates after a set time, destroying nearby enemy submarines or incoming torpedoes," the media outlet added.

The torpedo, armed with conventional warheads, boasts a maximum firing range of 4.3 miles, while its improved version, known as Shkval 2, has an effective firing range of up to 9.3 miles. The Shkval is reportedly up to four times faster than any other torpedo in the world.
"There are no evident countermeasures to such a weapon, its employment could put adversary naval forces at a considerable disadvantage," FAS Military Analysis Network noted.
We Are The Mighty also named the F21 heavyweight torpedo, the Mk. 54 lightweight torpedo and the T-5 as some of the best weapons which could decide the outcome of an underwater battle.