WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — On Saturday, the Russian Kogalymavia airliner, carrying 217 passengers and seven crew members, crashed in the Sinai Peninsula en route from the Egyptian resort city of Sharm El-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. All people on board, including 25 children, were confirmed dead by Russian and Egyptian authorities.
"That is what we saw at the main entrance at the end of the day. In the evening, [the people] brought more flowers, a few candles and even a teddy bear," the embassy's press service told reporters on Sunday.
On Monday, the Russian embassy in Washington also opens a condolence book, so anyone who wants can leave his note of sympathy. The book will be available on Monday and Tuesday. The embassy also receives condolences via email.
On Sunday, a requiem for the crash victims was served in the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Washington.
The Kogalymavia airliner's crash has become the deadliest air accident in the history of Russian aviation.