Here's my looking #sexy #selfie and here's my looking #sad #selfie. Here's my #pouting #selfie, here's me, here's me, here's me… you get the idea.
Someone’s created anti-selfie pills to rescue us all from our self obsession
— Metro (@MetroUK) November 4, 2015
So, to cure all your "sick to death of selfies" ailments, 'Anti-Selfie Tabs' have arrived on the market. Okay, they look pretty pharmaceutical — but they are in fact, just mints.

So, just out in time for Christmas (and probably deliberately), here's a gift to give to someone who just can't stop with the #selfie. You can purchase them for a mere $15.22 (£9.99) and even give them to the lucky recipient anonymously.
At — #selfie #drug #dosage #pill #pills #anti-selfie
— Scenes from Rehab (@scenesfromrehab) December 27, 2014
They might get the message — or they might just end up posing and taking a here's my #anti-selfie #selfie.