Israel, the United States' top ally in the Middle East, received $3.1 billion, while Egypt received $1.3 billion, the report says.
The United States dedicated 64% of its foreign military spending to countries in the Middle East, with Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon also among the top 10 recipients.
Colombia led the Americas with $29 million, enough for ninth overall on the list. Africa accounted for 23% of all US foreign military financing last year.

The top five recipients of foreign military financing in 2014, according to the report:
1. Israel: $3.1 billion
2. Egypt: $1.3 billion
3. Iraq: $300 million
3. Jordan: $300 million
5. Pakistan: $280 million
The $5.9 billion for military funding represents 17% of the roughly $35 billion the United States spent on foreign aid in 2014, according to the report.

The total amount of aid the top countries received, according to the report:
1. Israel: $3.1 billion
2. Egypt: $1.5 billion
3. Afghanistan: $1.1 billion
4. Jordan: $1 billion
5. Pakistan: $933 million