WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Former State Secretaries Madeline Albright, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, James Baker, as well as former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen will participate in the meeting.
"The President [Obama] will convene a meeting here at the White House where he will be joined by a bipartisan group of some of the most prominent voices of national security and diplomacy in both parties to discuss the strategic importance of setting rules of the road for global trade in the Asia Pacific," Earnest said.
The White House spokesperson said that the national security experts would also discuss how the TPP could "bolster the US economy at home and strengthen relationships abroad."
On October 5, the TPP negotiating countries reached an agreement on the wording and subject matter of the trade deal. The TPP would deregulate trade among the signatories, which together make up 40 percent of the world economy.